Carlos and Titi are enjoying their school and extra curricular activities. Titi is doing Tae Kwon Do at a studio right across from our development and she is enjoying it a lot. The teacher says she is good at it and she is really strong. Some of our neighbors go there too and she likes taking the class with them. Carlos did not want to do it but I am sure he will want to try it when he sees her with a new belt. Titi is also taking a soccer class at the school and Brownies Girl Scouts on Wednesdays.
Carlos is doing flag football at the school, a literature club and Cub Scouts. I am the leader of his den and I have been busy with that. There are lots of meeting and planning to do. Don thinks it is really funny that I have to wear a uniform and he takes pictures of me when I am wearing it. (I don't like it!) We meet once a week and I have to plan and entertain the kids at the meetings. Last week they cut carrots and celery in one of the activities and they loved it. I need to keep them busy or they start to run around. Titi is of course an honorary member of the den and she loves it.
Don has been busy with work, computer and his outdoor space. He loves it and is always trying to improve it. He sits there and listens to music, reads and watches a little of tv or surfs the net. I am sure it will be very nice when the weather gets colder.
I have been wanting to work in the garden but everytime I go out I can only do a little and it does not really show. I have not started any vegetable seeds but I need to do it this week. Our subscription to the vegetable farm is going to start again in a couple of weeks and I am happy about it. I really miss it during the summer. We have been trying to eat more vegetables and it would be great if we could grow some so we can eat even more.
This week we are going to eat a lot of bananas. The whole stalk is going to be ready at once. Last time I froze some to use them in smoothies but we didn't like the taste of the frozen bananas much. The are ok when used in pancakes or bread so I might freeze some if we cannot eat them all. Titi has gotten into making smoothies and she loves trying different combinations.
Janie and Steven had a wonderful dinner last night to celebrate Rosh Hashanah. The food was so always is. It was so nice seeing everybody there. Allie is still wearing a cast in her foot but hopefully they will take it off soon.