Monday, February 27, 2006

Another butterfly

We released another butterfly today. She doesn't seem to want to go and is just resting out in the sun. She likes Titi

Nice weekend

We had a nice weekend. On Sunday we went to the Lake Worth Street Painting Festival. We could not stay long because it started to rain but Carlos and Titi were able to paint something and we walked some blocks. My favorite was the little girl on a chair.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Our first Monarch butterfly!!

Last year we had a lot of fun raising Yellow Sulphur butterflies. This year I decided to plant milkweed to attract Monarchs too and it worked! I saw some flying around and they were so beautiful. The wasps are back too and they love to eat the caterpillars and chrysalids so we bought a glass cage and we have been bringing eggs and caterpillars inside. It is amazing to watch them grow from eggs to tiny caterpillars to big caterpillars and now to beautiful Monarch butterflies. Every morning we go to the cage to see if anything new has happened and this morning we were rewarded by our first Monarch. Carlos and Titi were very excited and we named it Cookie, like the one in a TV show. We released it when they got back from school.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Picking tomatoes

We have a small vegetable garden and this morning Titi and I picked some ripe tomatoes. Titi loves eating them right there in the garden. We also have peppers, eggplants, sweet peas, lettuce, herbs and some fruit trees that I got from GardenWeb friends.

I have a blog!

After seeing Gosia's blog I decided to create one. I hope to keep it updated. I take lots of pictures and it will be fun to post them here.