Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Don's birthday

This year, Don's birthday was on Easter Sunday.  Since I do not really celebrate Easter, I decided we should go back to Jupiter to celebrate Don's birthday there.  When we arrived at the beach we had been the year before, everything was different.  We could not see most of the rock formations and we got confused but then we realized there was high tide and the rocks were under the waves.  Titi was very dissapointed because she wanted to search for tropical fish.  She soon became interested in the things she saw on the visible rocks.  We did not stay long and we decided to go to the other park by the intercoastal.  Don and the kids went to search for fish on the water and I sat on the beach.  It was a very nice day and we enjoyed being outside.  On the way back we stopped at a Latin market and we bought some meat to cook at home.