Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Street Painting Festival

One brave artist even let Titi "improve" his painting.

Once again we went to the Lake Worth Street Painting Festival and it was great. People are so talented!! They work so hard and then their work is washed away... We met Luke and Mimi there and we had fun together. We ate at one of the restaurants, in an outdoor table and it was good.

Carlos and Titi were happy to paint too and they got very dirty from kneeling down on top of their work.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

20 Years!!

Twenty years ago today I came to work for Disney! I can't believe it has been so long. Back then I thought I was coming for a year and then was going back to Mexico and from there I was going to try to find a way to live in Europe for some months. I never lived in Europe and I only went back to Mexico for 4 months and then came back to Florida and I have been here ever since. I am so thankful for all the wonderful things I found here, especially Don!!!

Bob and Patricia

Our friends Bob and Patricia came to the house last night! We had not seen them in 8 years. We used to spend a lot of time with them when they lived in Cooper City, but then they moved to New Jersey and then to Texas. We missed them so much because we used to spend Christmas and Thanksgiving together and we felt lost when they left :-) We always say we are going to visit them but we haven't done it. Maybe next year. They look great.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Teacher for the Day

Today Carlos will be teacher for the day in his class. He is very excited about it and for the first time, he actually planned what to wear to school. He usually wears a uniform but his time he was allowed to wear any clothes he wanted and he took some time deciding. I told him he could wear his collar shirt (the only one he has) and his black suit and he said, "No, I am not going to be Principal of the Day, just teacher". He knows! Only a few kids are doing it so he is very excited. I hope he will have fun.

Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy had to carry a lot of coins last night. Titi lost one tooth in the morning at school and then another one right before she went to bed. She was happy to get a lot of coins.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Carlos and Titi had a great Valentine's Day. Last night Don and I decorated the breakfast table in red and we put a little basket with some small presents and candy for them. They were happy to see it in the morning. They had been waiting for Valentine's for a long time and could not wait to get to school and give their valentine cards to their classmates and to receive theirs. I went to their classrooms today and saw all the cards and candy they got! They ate candy all day... Titi gave her teacher one tomato from our garden.

I made cupcakes for breakfast and lasagna and a lemon cake for dinner. I got a great present from Don and the kids! A new camera! Mine was not working well anymore so it is perfect!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Open House at the vegetable farm

On Saturday we went to the vegetable farm's annual open house. The day was beautiful and we had a great time. I thought we were going to be late but we got there right on time. They gave us a plastic bag so we could pick some things. Carlos and Titi were not very enthusiastic at the beginning but they loved it.

The couple that grows the vegetables do it throught a Community Support Agriculture system, where people like us buy shares of their crops at the beginning of the season and they give us a box with produce every other week. We are called subscribers. They also grow food for local chefs and give the surplus to food banks and other charities. They don't own the land, they lease it from a couple that used to farm there but are now retired and live in a small house in the farm. The owners could make so much money if they sold the land to house developers but they don't want their farmland to become houses. Real heroes!

We picked hot and sweet peppers, eggplants, lettuce, kolrhabi (sp?), edible flowers and carrots. We especially liked picking the carrots, they were real baby ones. I had some for dinner last night and they were very good.

People brought food for a pot-luck lunch and we enjoyed it a lot. Don loved a lemon cake and I liked everything!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Laura's team won!!!

Yesterday we saw Laura's picture in the front page of the Sun Sentinel's sport section with a very nice article and another large picture inside. Her team had advanced to the finals! Carlos and Titi were very happy to see their cousin Laura in the newspaper!

Later in the afternoon we went to see her play at Lockhart Stadium in Ft. Lauderdale. It was a great game. The St. Andrew's girls soccer team won the Class 3A State Championship after defeating Lake Highland Prep from Orlando. Laura scored one goal and had an assist in another one. She was named MVP! We are very proud of her.

There is a huge picture of her in the paper today. Very nice!,0,4495945.story?coll=sfla-highschool-headlines

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Congratulations Laura!

Congratulations Laura on winning such an important game! We read in the paper that it was a very close game and we are happy that your team won.