Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandpa

Today is grandpa's 90th birthday!!  We are so happy to celebrate such a special birthday.  Unfortunately, I was not able to go out to dinner with them.  I had to work until 4 and by the time I got home, Carlos and Titi were very eager to go out and play with some of the kids.  Don said they had a really nice time.  Irving looks great!

Good bye elementary school

Titi had a wonderful time in 5th grade.  She finished the year with a lot of success.  She got 3 awards from her teachers.  We did not know it was going to happen but she was called back to the stage 3 times to receive the awards.  We were so proud of her. We are going to miss Sunrise Park. It was a wonderful school for Carlos and Titi.  We loved all the teachers and administration.

Titi's birthday

Titi wanted to spend her birthday at Disney so we made reservations at Animal Kingdom Lodge.  She loved the weekend.  She had a pirate makeover.  It was really good and she loved all the attention she got with the eyes' makeup.