Monday, April 24, 2006

Don and Larry's Birthday Party

We celebrated Don and Larry's birthday this past Saturday. It was a great party, a lot of people came and I think everybody had a good time. There was even a guitar player. He was great and sang lots of good songs. Don and Larry sang with him and they did a good job. We had Italian food and everybody brought food and drinks. There was lots of beer!


Gosia and Henny said...

Hi Carmen,

I never found out the birthday of Don so it's good to see that it is somewhere around the 22th of April?

Congratulations to Don and his brother!

I noticed with some pride that he held on one of the photos a Dutch bottle of Heineken!
Good for him to support the Dutch economy

Henny Gosia
The Netherlands

Gosia and Henny said...

Hi Carmen,
Congratulations on the birthday of Don! I never knew when is his burthday but to see from the party it must be around the 22nd of April?

I noticed with some Dutch pride that Don held , on one of the photos, a Dutch bottle of Heineken in his hand! It's good to notice that he supports the Dutch economy.

Gosia and Henny