Tuesday, January 30, 2007

100th day of school

Today was the 100th day of school and the kids had a little celebration in their classes. They also had to do a project where they needed to bring a collection of 100 things. Titi did a collection of 100 paper hearts and Carlos did the number 100 with happy faces' stickers. I did most of the work but it was ok, it was supposed to be a family project :-)

Both are doing very well in school. Carlos brough his first school report with grades and he had all A's. He doesn't really care about grades yet but we think he will be more interested once Titi gets grades too. Hers doesn't have grades, only if she is meeting grade level expectations. She is meeting them in all areas so we are very happy about that. She is reading and writing more everyday. Carlos is supposed to write a paragraph with more than 8 sentences for homework tomorrow. He can do it but he still needs a little help.

Carlos has a cold and has been coughing a lot. I hope he will sleep well so he can go to school tomorrow.

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