Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Street Painting Festival

One brave artist even let Titi "improve" his painting.

Once again we went to the Lake Worth Street Painting Festival and it was great. People are so talented!! They work so hard and then their work is washed away... We met Luke and Mimi there and we had fun together. We ate at one of the restaurants, in an outdoor table and it was good.

Carlos and Titi were happy to paint too and they got very dirty from kneeling down on top of their work.

1 comment:

Cova said...

¡Hola Carmen! ¡no tengo perdón por no haberte escrito antes! ¡Me encanta saber sobre tu familia! Prometo mandarte algunas fotos para que veas lo grande que está Javier. Hace poco llorábamos por no tener hijos y ahora lo hacemos porque se nos hacen mayores! :-)