Friday, May 18, 2007

Mother's Day

I had a very nice Mother's Day weekend. On Friday Titi had a small play at school and Don and I went to see her. She was very proud of being on stage and then she gave me some beautiful things she made for me. A nice box to store hugs and kisses, a book about me, a card and a drawing. She also served me milk and cookies.
Carlos also made some nice presents at school. A really nice flower pot and cards.
On Sunday I did not feel like doing anything. I just wanted to relax. The truth is that I wanted to just sit and read a new book and not be bothered with cleaning or cooking. I had to do some things but I tried to do as little as possible. Don took the kids to the store for a while so I could have some quiet time and then brought good food and a cake. They also gave me a beautiful necklace and an electronic picture frame. Very nice!!
Don wanted to invite his family over but I didn't feel like doing anything. I thought we were going to go to a restaurant later in the day but we didn't do anything and we didn't see anybody. I guess I was still tired from working in the garden and then driving to Homestead the day before.

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