Monday, November 26, 2007


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! Don and I finished closing the box that we are sending to Guatemala with shoes and presents for the families that we met during the summer. We were able to fit 97 pairs of shoes and lots of other presents for the children and their families. Fortunately they only charge by size and not by weight. It was so heavy because we packed it to the max.

We are hoping to send another box in January full of shoes, backpacks and school supplies. The school year is from January to October so they will need lots of supplies in January. Mimi, Luke and Roc already donated towards that box. Mimi found 12 pairs of girls shoes on sale and she bought them for the kids in Guatemala!

We had a great time at Steven and Janie's. The food was delicious, as always, and it was good to see everybody, specially Mema, Grandpa, uncle Izzy and aunt Mary. Carlos and Titi played with the kids and they had fun.

We also went to see Mimi and Luke.

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