Sunday, July 16, 2006

Carlos and Titi's first sleepover!

Carlos and Titi finally had a sleepover. They started saying they wanted to have one a couple of weeks ago. They kept dragging their sleeping bags and kept asking us to take them to their cousins or to Mimi and Luke's house.

Mimi and Luke were very nice and invited them to sleep over their house last night. Don and I were not sure the kids were going to stay all night but they did. They were so happy about it. They kept saying they had a great time. Don and I went to downtown Delray and had dinner at a Japanese restaurant. It was great! We felt funny without the kids. This was the first time we were apart at night. The house was very quiet and it was good and bad at the same time.

1 comment:

Gosia and Henny said...

Hi Carmen
I recognize your double feeling about the kids sleeping over the first time in their life. In one way it is good that they want to sleepover. It's nice as a parent to have some time for the tow of you without the kids but it feel akward at the same time.
I should try to enjoy the rare moments without the kids.

Although we missed them a lot we also liked it when we were without the kids to New York and Chicago two years ago.
