Saturday, November 21, 2009

Busy Saturday

We had a busy day. Carlos did some activities towards his Webelos' badge in Cub Scouts. One of them was "Handyman" and the leader of the den showed the boys how to change a tire, check the oil and do some other maintenance on cars and bicyles. Carlos loved it! He is so proud of himself and he cannot wait to have the chance to change a tire one day. We had to be at the clubhouse at 7:00 a.m. and it was hard for me to get up early on a Saturday but I am so glad we did it.

Titi had her second soccer game and she did very well. Everybody wanted her to play goalie since she did so well last week but she wanted to try other positions and she played goalie only for half of the game. She did great. Everybody kept telling me she was a natural goalie and was very good. Her team won 5-0 and everybody was very happy. The game was at 12:15 and it was very hot! I am hoping we will have some cooler weather for next game.

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