Monday, June 01, 2009

Another month!

Don and I were feeling kind of depressed this morning, thinking that it was a Monday, another month had gone by, the heat and rain were back, hurricane season was here, school was almost over (only 2 more days left), etc. We almost never feel like this but I guess we did not rest as much as we needed. Anyways, we are hoping we are going to have a nice summer. We do not have any plans yet for vacation but I am sure we will go to Orlando a couple of times. We have the annual Disney passes and we want to stay at a new Disney resort.

Some of the things we did in May:
Celebrated Mothers Day

We attended the last Cub Scout meeting of the school year. Carlos was promoted to a Webelo and he will wear a new uniform next August. He is a big kid now! He will need to be a webelo for 2 years and then he will be able to become a boy scout. We hope he will make it. I am not sure if I want to be a Den Leader next year and I am praying somebody will volunteer to do it.

Prepared to celebrate Titi's birthday. I made rainbow cupcakes for her.

She loved all the attention she got at school.

Attended "Tea with the Poets" at Carlos' class. He read one poem to the class but did not want us to take his picture. We were very proud of him.

Went to Chuck E. Cheese and to see the movie Up with Mimi, Eli and Mario Ariel. Carlos and Titi love spending time with him.

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